The new College year has officially begun, and we continuing students have been delighted to receive the newbies. We have tried to set the ethos as a welcoming and open College community, and hope that the new folks will pick-up on this.
I decided to experiment with gingerbread the night before and, albeit a little burned, seemed to be enjoyed by all... repeatedly... before eventually being eaten.
You see, having left the biscuits in college overnight, I found that someone had been playing 'anagrams' with them by the time I arrived in the morning! Then, by the time we were released from our first lecture, there was a second configuration, that could only have been done by a member of staff! This tutorial example became a part of ethos-setting which was eagerly embraced, and as many as could reach the gingerbread attempted to form further words.
"You need to make more vowels!" someone cried accusingly. Do I look like Carol blooming Vorderman?! So I ate an "O" to make my point!
With half the teaching staff retiring at the end of this academic year, there is more than a little feeling of demob-happy about the place!
So I was having a serious conversation the other day, with someone I had not previously met. Having been sitting still with my legs crossed, for a long time, I got cramp. Embarrasing eh?
I was told "See - that's because you didn't drink the water I gave you!" True enough I expect. I didn't like to point out why I had not drunk it. There was nothing wrong with the water, except I was nervous and, when first handed to me, I had instantly spilt a not inconsiderable amount of it down my top. I thought putting it down and leaving it might be the safest option.
I'm not the brightest student at my University, by any stretch of the imagination, but I often find myself being asked for advice. Maybe it's the 'mature' student status.
Yesterday I was asked (dead seriously) the following, as we waited for a lecture to begin: Student: "Is Bolivia in Brazil?" Me: "No, but they're both in South America"
Student: "But I don't understand!"
Me: "Sorry, What don't you understand?"
Student "How come these nuts are produce of Bolivia if they're supposed to be Brazil Nuts?"
Me: (When I'd recovered myself) "Well, it's just about the type of nut they are, like Cheddar cheese, or Eccles Cakes."
Student: "Those are places?!"
How on earth the poor lecturer was supposed to explain eschatology after that, I have no idea!
I received some wonderful gifts this Christmas, for which I'm very grateful. The small selection photographed are all from different people, and I love them all for different reasons.
I sometimes wonder how much the presents you receive are a measure of how people view you? I am not, I hasten to add, talking about monetary value here, but about who people think you are....
If you're a regular reader, at least the Tommee Tippee cup should be self-evident!
I was catching up on my holiday comedy downloads, and came across a couple of classic comments in the 'Ideal' Christmas Special. Unfortunately I can't find a clip...
Moz (Johnny Vegas) has a visit from him Mum on Boxing Day. 15 mins into the episode, his Mum reveals that the man who brought him up was not really his father.
Moz's upbeat response: "But hey, look at Jesus. His Dad wasn't his real Dad was he? And he made summat of himself. Lived fast, died young. Left a good looking corpse... that came back to life!
Also... Moz's Mum: "How was your christmas love?" Psycho Paul: "Went down midnight mass. All kicked off a bit. Bit of a family tradition..."